Oakwood teen accused of possessing, distributing child pornography

State and local investigators arrested and charged an Oakwood teenager with two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. Allen Joel Ledesma possessed and transmitted at least two images of child pornography through Instagram, officials say.

Agents with the Hall County Sheriff’s Office and Georgia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force arrested Ledesma Tuesday after a search of his home on Sequoia Circle.

Investigators began working on the case on August 26 when they received a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The alleged crimes happened between April 12 and November 9 of this year, according to the sheriff’s office.

While executing the search warrant, agents say they seized one of Ledesma’s electronic devices. Forensic processing is pending.

Deputies booked Ledesma in the Hall County Jail, where he remained held on $11,400 bond Wednesday afternoon, November 10.

The case remains under investigation.

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