Twin Rivers Challenge cycling event breaks records for fundraising, riders

The 2021 Twin Rivers Challenge drew a record number of riders in 2021. (photo courtesy Tallulah Falls School)

Oct. 23, 2021, was a record-breaking day at Tallulah Falls School.

A brilliant blue October sky greeted more than 175 riders at the seventh annual Twin Rivers Challenge, a cycling event to benefit student scholarships.

Glowing comments from participants echoed previous years regarding logistics, scenery and the post-ride meal but the stellar fall weather was the true star as rain has been a limiting factor for the past several years.

“Lucky number seven,” said ride committee co-chair Joey Brown, who once again provided key planning support. “Blue skies, light winds, and beautiful fall colors made for a perfect day for the annual Twin Rivers Challenge. A record number of riders enjoyed a perfect day and gorgeous scenery. I’m already looking forward to number eight!”

(photo courtesy of Tallulah Falls School)

Fundraising totals with the leadership of ride committee co-chair and TFS Board of Trustees member Judy Forbes also surpassed previous events. The Twin Rivers Challenge Scholarship Committee is composed of parents, grandparents, alumni parents and TFS staff.

“We were blessed with glorious weather and leaf color for this year’s ride. Our rider number increased, and our students will continue to benefit from the generosity of our sponsors,” Forbes said. “Everyone was a winner! Many thanks to our hard-working committee, presenting sponsor Ron Cantrell Construction, Inc. and meal sponsor Springer Mountain Farms.”

Riders got to relax with a meal and music after their long ride. (photo courtesy of Tallulah Falls School)
(photo courtesy of Tallulah Falls School)

Riders could select from three routes – 33, 46 or 70 miles, with all rides starting and ending on campus. Registration included a post-ride meal for all riders. The Tallulah Falls Opry played bluegrass for several hours, adding to the upbeat atmosphere for the fellowship that is always a hit with participants.

“With 150-plus companies, organizations and individuals delivering a substantial boost to the scholarship fund, the event was an outstanding success,” said President and Head of School Larry Peevy. “It was simply a stellar day all around.”

The school coordinates closely with area public safety agencies to ensure a safe event, Peevy added.

The eighth annual Twin Rivers Challenge is set for Oct. 22, 2022.

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