BOE recognizes more HB91 graduates

Stacey Huaroco receives her high school diploma from Board of Education Chair Dr. Robert Barron while Superintendent Matthew Cooper applauds.

Stacey Huaroco receives her high school diploma from Board of Education Chair Dr. Robert Barron while Superintendent Matthew Cooper applauds.

“I support this law,” said Habersham school superintendent Matthew Cooper Monday night.
He spoke of House Bill 91, becoming law with the signature of Gov. Nathan Deal in 2015. The law allows students who have met all requirements for graduation – except for one test no longer in use – to receive their diplomas. Since the law went into effect, many former Habersham students have graduated.

Two of those former students, Lizeth Camargo and Stacey Huaroco, graduated Monday. They were individually recognized in the school board meeting and were given an official high school diploma.

Lizeth Camargo smiles as Board of Education Chair Dr. Robert Barron presents on behalf of the Board a high school graduation diploma for which she had waited since 2002.
Lizeth Camargo smiles as Board of Education Chair Dr. Robert Barron presents on behalf of the Board a high school graduation diploma for which she had waited since 2002.

Camargo and Huaroco were both overcome with emotion as they received their diplomas and shook hands with the superintendent and board members. Cooper’s support of the law that made their graduation possible was evident. He spoke of a time not so long ago when students could complete 13 years of school then be denied their diplomas for “missing one answer on one test.”

This is the third month in a row that the Habersham BOE has handed out diplomas under HB91. Cooper said it’s the board’s way to “celebrate these students.”  He added, “You see tonight the touching results” of House Bill 91.