The Demorest Park Committee has recommended ADC Engineering to take over the design and engineering for the Demorest Springs Park renovation. The engineering group believes they can deliver a finalized design and master plan for the park in the late fall of this year.

Councilmen John Hendrix and Nathan Davis, who head the Park Committee, presented their recommendation of ADC Engineering to the council at their Tuesday work session. The committee prioritized finding an engineering group with the necessary experience to work with the park’s natural springs and groundwater, which cause soggy ground. ADC has worked on parks with similar challenges to Demorest’s, including slopes and close-to-surface groundwater.


ADC is considering adding new features to the park, including an amphitheater, pavilion, areas for senior wellness and ADA compliant ramps and sidewalks. The renovations will also include updates to the playground and new restrooms.

The Demorest council voted unanimously to contract with ADC and move forward with plans for the park renovation.

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