For more than 20 years, the Tallulah Falls School Math Club has participated in the annual Mathematics Tournament hosted by the University of North Georgia, but this is the first year the students competed via a digital platform.
During the week of March 8-12, under the supervision of the club sponsor Linda Harris, the club met after school on two afternoons to participate in the three components of the tournament.
Junior Jingan Sang of China and sophomore Walker Bailey of Lula tied for first place, and junior Jingyi Sang of China won third place in the Multiple Choice category. Jingyi Sang also won third place in the Ciphering category.
“The team placed second overall in Problem-Solving, which is the most difficult portion of the tournament, requiring major thinking-out-of-the box skills,” Harris said.
UNG awarded medals to the top-place winners and certificates of participation to the other team members, Harris added. Other team members included senior Yuji Xue, freshman Zhaohe Guo, and sophomores Zhigao Xiong and Jue Wang.