Habersham County Emergency Services transported eight people to the hospital this afternoon following a wreck on U.S. 441/GA 15 in Turnerville. Four children, ranging in age from 1-5 were among the injured.
The accident happened around 2:48 p.m. Tuesday, April 13. According to the Georgia State Patrol, Jacob Dowling, 15, of Clarkesville, was driving a Ford F-150 west on Travis Smith Road. He was accompanied by a passenger, Devin Twiddy, 25, of Clarkesville. Dowling was attempting to cross the highway and failed to yield. He pulled into the path of a southbound Dodge Durango, driven by 28-year-old Joseph Breaden, of Stockbridge. The SUV, which was carrying an adult passenger and four children, struck the pickup on the passenger side.
The impact of the crash caused both vehicles to rotate. The pickup ended up facing south on the west side of the highway. The Durango wound up facing north on Travis Smith Road.
Habersham EMS transported seven of the injured patients to Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville. One adult was treated at Habersham Medical Center in Demorest.
Black says all of the children appeared to be stable at the time they were transported. There are no current updates on the patients’ conditions.
Georgia State Patrol Post 7 Commander SFC Donnie Sadler says charges are pending.
This article has been updated with additional information