Pictured, left to right: STAR Student Kyra Shalikashvili; STAR Teacher Krista Ivester; Salutatorian Abby English; Valedictorian Savannah Mabry
The outstanding graduates of Habersham Central High School’s Class of 2015 were announced Monday night during the board of education meeting.
Savannah Mabry was recognized by the board as Valedictorian for the class of 2015. The Valedictorian has the highest grade point average of all students in the graduating class. Mabry will attend the University of Georgia with a major in Medicine.
Abby English was chosen as Salutatorian for the graduating class. The Salutatorian has the second highest grade point average in the class. English plans to attend the University of North Georgia and will study Veterinary Medicine.
Habersham Central High School’s STAR Student this year is Kyra Shalikashvili. The STAR Student has the highest score in the class on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Shalikashvili chose as her STAR Teacher Habersham Central teacher Krista Ivester. The STAR Teacher is chosen by the student as the teacher who has had the most influence on the student’s success. Shalikashvili plans to attend Georgia Tech and major in Industrial Engineering.
Teacher and Language Arts Department Head Rhea Galati praised her three students. “These three are hard to let go of,” as they graduate, she said.
“They are my ‘deep thinkers.’
“They’re going to change the world.”