Georgia Republican incumbent Senator David Perdue conceded to Democrat Jon Ossoff on Friday, ending Georgia’s 2020 election cycle and determining control of the U.S. Senate.
Perdue had floated the idea of potential legal action to contest his defeat. His decision not to do that comes one day after lawyers for President Trump and the state’s GOP chairman withdrew their own election legal challenges.
Georgia’s other sitting senator, Kelly Loeffler, conceded to her Democratic opponent Rev. Ralph Warnock on Thursday.
The concessions officially bring to a close one of the most bitterly-divided, drawn-out election years in recent Georgia history. It was also one of the most consequential, with Georgia voters determining control of the U.S. Senate and playing a significant role in selecting Joe Biden as president.
It will take several days for the Georgia runoffs to be officially certified, so Ossoff and Warnock will not take office immediately.
Warnock’s term lasts only two years since that’s what remains of former Sen. Johnny Isakson’s term. Loeffler was appointed to the seat by Gov. Brian Kemp after Isakson resigned. She was running to fulfill the remainder of his term.
Ossoff has won a full six-year term in the Senate. Once he and Senator-elect Warnock are seated, the Senate will be evenly divided 50-50 between parties. That gives Democrats control as incoming Vice President Kamala Harris will cast the tie-breaking vote.
GOP Public Service Commissioner Lauren “Bubba” McDonald was the only Republican on the runoff ballot to win reelection, defeating Democrat Daniel Blackman
Scroll down for election results
Blame game
Many state Republican leaders blame President Trump for his drumbeat pronouncements of unproven election fraud in the state for Georgia’s Senate losses. While trying to ratchet up support to overturn his own failed reelection bid, they say Trump sowed distrust in the electoral process among GOP voters, many of whom may have stayed away from the polls as a result.
It’s also likely that President Trump’s leaked phone call in which he asked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes” to overturn Biden’s win in Georgia also contributed to the loss.
“[Bubba] McDonald has more votes than both the senators which shows that there’s potential that there were Republican voters who chose not to vote for the two Republican senators, maybe because of all the contention, but that’s speculation on our part,” said Voting System Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling.
Despite the controversies leading up to the election, officials say voting ran smoothly.
Raffensperger, a Republican, has endured fiery criticism and threats from Trump and members of his own party since certifying the Nov. 3 general election for Biden. Still, he stands firm in his defense of Georgia’s electoral process.
“I have always said that after every election, half the people will be happy and half will be disappointed,” said Raffensperger, “but everyone should be confident in the reliability of the results.”
Habersham votes nearly 5 to 1 Republican
Approximately 1.2 million voters turned out on January 5 to vote in Georgia’s runoff election. While overall turnout was lower than in the Nov. 3 general election, the state did set early voting records. Over 3 million ballots were cast early in-person and by mail-in absentee.
Reliably Republican stronghold Habersham County tabulated its count election night. GOP candidates swept Habersham by a near 5 to 1 margin.
Perdue received 14,837 votes (82.49%) to Ossoff’s 3,149 (17.51%) in Habersham. Loeffler picked up 14,742 votes (82.01%) to Warnock’s 3,232 (17.98%). And Bubba McDonald won his home county handily picking up 14,829 votes (83.33%) to Blackman’s 2,971 votes (16.69%).
Click here for Habersham’s unofficial returns
Habersham County reported a 63% voter turnout with 18,018 of the county’s 28,768 active registered voters casting ballots in the January 5 runoff.
Here are the latest unofficial, incomplete statewide returns from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office. These results may not include all absentee or provisional ballots. Results are unofficial until certified. [Last updated 3:16 p.m. Jan. 8, 2021]:
US Senate w/100% of precincts reporting
Perdue (R) 49.50% 2,207,626
Jon Ossoff (D) 50.50% 2,252,599
US Senate Special Election w/100% of precincts reporting
Kelly Loeffler (I) (Rep) 49.07% 2,188,610
Raphael Warnock (Dem) 50.93% 2,271,672
Public Service Commission District 4 w/100% of precincts reporting
Lauren Bubba McDonald, Jr. (I) (R) 50.48% 2,227,386
Daniel Blackman (D) 49.52% 2,185,081