(Cleveland)- It was a time of celebration Thursday as friends and colleagues of Cleveland Police Chief John Foster gathered to celebrate his retirement.
Foster began working for the Cleveland Police in 1997 and was appointed the chief in January 2003, serving the past 17 years at that position. Cleveland Mayor Josh Turner in a special called meeting Thursday read a proclamation that highlighted Foster’s career and designated December 17th as Chief John Foster Appreciation Day in Cleveland.
Foster is the third top official in White County retiring at the end of this year. White County Sheriff Neal Walden and Probate Judge Garrison Baker were both recently recognized for their many years of service.
Former White County Fire Chief Norman Alexander retired in April.
During a reception in his honor at the Cleveland Police Department on December 17, Chief Foster told reporters, “I think it’s going to be a new chapter for the city and the county and I’m hoping that things go as well for my replacement as they have gone for me.” He expressed his hope that citizens will be as receptive to his successor as they have been to him and the department.
Foster praised his department’s police officers. “My officers deserve a lot of the credit for what our police department is,” he said. “I may have sat in the top seat, but the officers are the ones who are out here every day with the public and giving the public the respect that they deserve and receiving respect back from the public.”