Just a few days after the remnants of Delta reminded us of the power of even a weakened tropical storm, there remains some beauty in the flower gardens.
More than eight inches of rain turned creeks into rivers and rivers into rapids but the rain also rejuvenated some plants in need of refreshing water from the heavens, even though the spigot from the sky could have shut off a little sooner.
Here we are in mid-October and I still have some hanger-ons in my flower beds and containers. The first frost will be settling in the next few weeks as the seasons change and I am enjoying the stragglers while they are still around.
My clematis are all displaying their second flush of blooms. In particular, the Multi-blue variety which I planted more than 20 years ago is really showing out.
I can’t say enough about Angelonia. What a champ! It has stood up tall in the heat and dry days of summer. The raspberry, purple, and lavendar varieties are still going strong and will continue their display right up until the first hard frost.
The lantana and butterfly weed are still blooming and continue attracting butterflies. A few of my Ivy leaf geraniums and torenia are also hanging in there while some of my New Guinea impatiens also continue to perform admirably. Their deep red faces with the purple scaveola spilling around their feet is such a joy!
One lone bloom from my Princess rose is about to unfurl. I wish you could smell it. The fragrance is heavenly!
One of my special “finds” this year was a flowering maple or Abutilon. I hadn’t found one in several years. I love the beautiful nodding red bells. The fresh rains seem to have benefitted it immensely.
While many have come and gone in my flower gardens, I’m enjoying these last few bloomers from my spring plantings. This is a great time to update my gardening journal as a reminder to include many of these troopers in next years flower beds and containers.
As much as I enjoy what remains behind, I’m very much looking forward to the chill of fall and even when everything else fades to brown, there are always pansies, snapdragons, and mums to brighten the landscape.
What flowers are hanging in there in your yard? I would love to hear all about them and see pictures. Might be some good ideas for additions in my own flower garden. Reach me at [email protected] or respond on our facebook page.