Schools aim to raise awareness about dangers of vaping, marijuana

If you visit the Habersham County School District website, one of the first things you’ll see is a link to an advisory from the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH). The link carries you to a warning about the “imminent health risks” posed by electronic cigarettes and other vaping devices. It’s a warning the Habersham County School system takes seriously. That’s why this week, the district is spending a considerable amount of time to educate middle and high schoolers about vaping risks.

The school system is bringing in a guest speaker — magician and hypnotist Robert Hackenson Jr. — to help students and parents “See Through the Smoke.”

A self-described “edutainer,” Hackenson travels the United States and Canada speaking to schools, colleges, and organizations about substance use and abuse. He uses magic, props, and illusion to engage his audiences while reinforcing educational lessons.

This week his series of assemblies will focus on teen vaping and marijuana awareness.

Parent Night Tuesday

Hackenson will present eight sessions over three days beginning today, Tuesday, Jan. 21. A special Parent Night will be held this evening at 6 p.m. in the Habersham Central High School auditorium in Mt. Airy. The event is free and open to all middle and high school parents.

Parents are encouraged to attend to learn more about the health effects of vaping and to gather useful information on how to tell if your child is vaping. Other topics include marketing messages vs. the truth, inconspicuous vaping products, teen perceptions of marijuana, marijuana’s effect on developing brains, and how social and emotional awareness can help students make healthy choices.

Habersham County Director of Secondary Schools Pam Dalton says she hopes many parents will attend this evening’s session. Those who can’t are welcome to participate in one of the student assemblies listed below. Please contact the school for more information.

Jan. 21
1:45 PM Ninth Grade Academy-9th graders and Success Academy at NGA Auditorium
6:00 PM Parent Night (HCHS Performing Arts Center)- This is open to all secondary parents.
Jan. 22 
8:15 AM Success Academy- Grades 6-12 (alternative school)
9:45 AM Habersham Central High School 12th graders
12:50 PM Habersham Central High School 11th graders
2:00 PM Habersham Central 10th graders
Jan. 23 
8:15 AM Wilbanks Middle School
9:45 AM South Habersham Middle School
1:15 PM North Habersham Middle School students


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