‘Shop with a Hero’ makes kids’ Christmas wishes come true

The Baldwin Police and Fire Departments treated more than a dozen local children to Christmas shopping sprees Thursday through their Shop with a Hero program.

The program began in 2014 when then- Baldwin Police Chief Chad Nichols launched Shop with a Cop. When Charles Webb took over as Chief in 2016 he changed the name to Shop with a Hero to recognize the fire department’s involvement. The firefighters, says Webb, “were as involved in it as we were and did so much to help us make it happen.”

They continue to do so.

Each year the two departments team up to raise money to help families in need at Christmas. This year they raised $6,474.32 through raffles and donations. Of that, they netted approximately $3,500. They spent that, and more, to make Christmas merry for fifteen children from seven families selected by Baldwin Elementary School and Habersham Pre-K.

The schools select families to participate in the program based on financial need.

Beyond the gifts

Beyond the obvious gift-giving, the program gives kids a chance to meet and get to know their local public safety officials. It also gives those officials a chance to reflect on the community they serve.

“This is the most exciting and rewarding event we get to do all year,” says Chief Webb. “Every time I walk into the schools and get to take these awesome kids Christmas shopping, it reminds me that it’s all bigger than me and I see first hand that we were just able to make the world a little better place for a few.”

The amount of money that’s raised determines the number of families that can be served each year. And while financial resources may be limited, there’s no limit to the goodwill local public safety officials pour into this project.

Baldwin police and firefighters raise the money and organize the event but they rely on help from other agencies to help pull off the shopping spree.

Cornelia firefighters helped take the kids shopping on December 12 “because we had more kids than we had personnel,” says Webb. And while Baldwin public safety personnel were out making kids Christmas wishes come true, the Cornelia Police Department and the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office covered their calls for service.

Wouldn’t be possible without the public’s help

It’s a community effort that includes those who donate. Webb says the people who give money to Shop with a Hero and buy raffle tickets “are the only reason we are able to do this.”

The Baldwin Police and Fire Departments accept donations for the program throughout the year. If you’d like to contribute to next year’s shopping spree, you may drop off your donation to them.

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