Groundskeepers in Clarkesville spent part of last week cleaning up a mess someone left behind at the Mauldin House Garden. Someone trampled flowers, broke and scattered decorative Easter eggs, and even left behind a blanket that may have been used in a photo shoot.
The picturesque garden on Jefferson Street is a popular location for photo shoots, especially this time of year.
“Unfortunately, as they step through the beds or sit in the beds it often damages the flowers and especially the tender Hosta and fern shoots that are just beginning to break through the ground,” says city manager Barbara Kesler. “We haven’t had a problem with the Easter eggs being vandalized before, so that was new.”
Kesler says city gardeners will relocate some plants later in the season to fill in holes in the beds that were damaged. “We should be able to do that without having to purchase additional plants,” she says. Kesler adds that the cost to the city will be the time it takes workers to transplant the plants and clean up the garden.
City officials say they want the public to visit and enjoy the beautiful garden. They ask visitors to please stay mindful of the plants and stay on the paths.