Elections Board looks to add polling locations

NOV 2014 - Voters stood half in, half outside the Cornelia Depot waiting to vote.

After Habersham County voters waited for hours, some at the wrong polling places, during the November 2014 election, the Elections Board is considering reopening a few of the precincts they closed.

Now Habersham reported back in December about “a barrage of criticism, emails and phone calls made to local election officials after the November election.” Some voters showed up to the polls unprepared without proper ID others got confused because the county had closed 12 precincts and forced everybody to vote in just two locations. Lines were out the door at both and some waited up to 3 hours to cast a ballot.

At the time, there were no plans to restore the lost precincts. Apparently, that’s now changed.

The new Batesville/Cool Springs precinct is in dark green. Fork/Falling Water/Demorest is in yellow. Alto/Mud Creek/View is the brown section in the southwest part of the  map. Those living in the light green section will vote at the Aquatic Center while those in the orange will vote in Cornelia.
The new Batesville/Cool Springs precinct is in dark green. Voters there would report to Amy’s Creek FD. Fork/Falling Water/Demorest is in yellow and would vote at the Demorest FD. Alto/Mud Creek/View is the reddish/brown section in the southwest part of the map. Voters there would go to B.C Grant Church. Those living in the light green section will vote at the Aquatic Center while those in the orange will vote in Cornelia at a location TBD (either the Depot or 1st Baptist).

Habersham County Elections Superintendent Laurel Ellison presented a plan to increase the number of polling locations at a work session for County Commissioners in Clarkesville on Monday. “Batesville and Cool Springs will be consolidated at Amy’s Creek Fire Department. The old Falling Water precinct will join Fork and Demorest and vote in the meeting room in the basement of the Demorest Fire Department. Mud Creek, View and voters from the City of Alto will go to B.C. Grant Baptist Church.”

This proposal would expand the number of Habersham County voting precincts from 2 up to 5 including the Ruby C. Fulbright Aquatic Center and the Cornelia Depot. You’ll also have other, municipal-only, voting locations in Clarkesville, Mt. Airy and Baldwin for city elections.

The number of voters at each precinct would drop from more than 10-thousand at each of the two current locations down to between 1254 and 4195 at each of the 5 proposed polling places.

Habersham County Commissioners and the Elections Board will need to sign off on the proposal before it can move forward.

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