Makeshift memorial honors teens who died

About a half dozen friends gathered at the scene Sunday evening where two White County High School students lost their lives. 16-year old Cecily Hamilton and 18-year old Taylor Swing died when their car ran off of Gene Nix Road and flipped upside down in Town Creek. White County Coroner Josh Barrett told local media the two drowned.

Operator Richard Corn with the Georgia State Patrol says troopers were called to the scene at 10:15am Sunday just minutes after a passerby found the submerged car. Troopers are not sure when the wreck happened.

A makeshift memorial marks a spot on the bridge above the creek where Hamilton and Swing died. Administrators have called a crisis intervention meeting Monday morning at White County High School. County school superintendent Dr. Jeff Wilson says extra counselors will be at the high school Monday to help students deal with the tragedy.

Now Habersham news reporter Paul Rea is in White County and will bring you the latest on this developing story on

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