Relief agency in “desperate need” of volunteers to respond to fire calls and emergencies in Habersham County
The American Red Cross of Northeast Georgia has been serving local communities since 1917. Over the last 100 years, volunteers from the local Red Cross have responded to disasters and provided aid to citizens not only in their own region, but across the country and the world.
A history of helping
In 1936, volunteers helped with reconstruction efforts when a deadly tornado streak and series of flash floods hit the Southeast. In 2001, volunteers left their Northeast Georgia homes to assist victims of the September 11th attacks. In 2005, in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma, Northeast Georgia volunteers provided housing to over 1,100 evacuees, collected over 14,000 pints of lifesaving blood, and deployed to the areas impacted by the storms. These instances are highlights of the aid efforts to which local volunteers have contributed, but there are so many more cases in which local Red Cross volunteers have provided aid to local communities throughout the years.
Disasters can strike anyone at any time
Disasters do not discriminate; unfortunately, they happen everywhere. In the last year alone, the Red Cross has responded to twelve disaster events and helped fourteen families in Habersham County. The Red Cross needs people who are willing to answer the call to help and respond to disasters—to tornado streaks, flash floods, hurricanes, and house fires. Because of volunteers’ dedication and altruism, the Red Cross is able to increase preparedness for disasters and to provide relief in the event of disasters.
Smoke and fire is the third leading cause of death for children under the age of 15. Red Cross volunteers talk to children about safety plans, install smoke detectors in homes, guarantee shelter is available to people who have lost their homes to fires or storms, and ensure that people who have suffered disasters receive help.
The local Red Cross needs more people who are willing to respond to disasters
Disaster Services volunteer Harriet Dickson, who has been volunteering with the Red Cross for over 10 years and finds it just as rewarding as the day she started, says, “The Red Cross gives money for shelter and clothes and food, but we also provide comfort and relief. We give people in dire need immediate assistance and a network for further support.” Disaster Services volunteers arrive on the scenes of fires and bring necessary supplies and emotional support to those who have suffered losses, letting them know that someone is there to help them in that moment and throughout their recovery from disaster.
More volunteers needed
The local Red Cross needs more people who are willing to respond to disasters—to be the ones who teach people about disaster preparedness, who give blankets and necessary supplies to people who have lost their homes to fire, who provide shelter to people whose homes have been devastated by storms.
Outside of Disaster Services, the Red Cross continues to help military families and teach safety skills. Without volunteers, the Red Cross would be unable to provide people who have been affected by disaster the aid and hope they need, to provide aid in emergencies to our Armed Forces, or to train citizens in safety courses.
We need more people in your county who are willing to offer a helping hand to their neighbors in need.
Executive Director Laura Allen hopes for continued relationships with community members that will benefit Habersham County, saying the local Red Cross “looks forward to continued collaboration and partnership with our local emergency responders, government partners, businesses, schools, non-profits, and the faith based community to ensure the continued safety and stability of our communities.”
Volunteer opportunities
Form a partnership with the Red Cross. Answer the call to help. Provide aid and hope to people who have suffered in your community. Become a Red Cross volunteer. Learn more about Disaster Services and other volunteer opportunities at