Hear ye, all hobbit lovers! Clarkesville Main Street and the Habersham Community Theater (HCT) will kick off the 2017 Movies on Main series with the epic sci-fi fantasy flick, The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring in the historic theater Saturday, March 18th at 7:30PM.
The first installment in the Oscar-nominated trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring follows a meek Hobbit (Elijah Wood) from the Shire and eight companions as they set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle Earth from the Dark Lord Sauron.
“This trilogy has quite a following, and the nature of the film lends itself to great pre-show opportunities for entertaining and engaging the audience,” explains Alta Moseley, Habersham Community Theater. “Costumes are encouraged, Lord of the Rings trivia games will be played, and our concessions are even movie-inspired.”
Other showings in the Clarkesville Main Street and HCT’s Movies on Main series include: Mamma Mia (June 2nd), Batman (August 19th), and Home Alone (November 24th).
Attendees are encouraged to purchase tickets early as seating is limited to the first 100 patrons. Tickets are $8 and can be purchased online at habershamtheater.org or by calling 706-839-1315. A link to ticket sales can also be found on clarkesvillega.com. Event sponsors include Clarkesville Business & Community Association, Habersham Electric Membership Corporation, the Habersham Chamber of Commerce, Springer Mountain Farms and The Orchard Golf and Country Club.
The Historic Habersham Community Theater is located at 1370 Washington Street in downtown Clarkesville.