Christopher Mull, Corey Carr, and Maddie Chosewood, represented Habersham County’s three middles schools in this month’s GMEA District 14 Middle School Honor Band.
Three Habersham middle school students recently performed with the Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) District 14 Middle School Honor Band. Christopher Mull, an 8th grade percussionist from North Habersham, Corey Carr, a 7th grade trombonist from Wilbanks, and Maddie Chosewood, an 8th grade percussionist from South Habersham were selected for the honor.
They auditioned back in December. The event was held February 11 at the Georgia Baptist Conference Center in Toccoa.
In addition to performing in the honor band the students received musical instruction from two clinicians: Mary Wilson, a retired Gwinnett County band director, and Travis Downs, currently the Director of Bands at North Gwinnett Middle School in Sugar Hill.