Pass It On is a compassionate community campaign uniquely designed for Now Habersham and you. It’s a way we can work together, along with our generous community partner McDonalds, to help our neighbors in need. By clicking on the Pass It On icon in the upper right corner of this page, you can view a list of the needs that have been submitted so far. Please take the time to determine if you can reach out to one of your neighbors in need. If there’s a need you can meet just click Meet A Need and follow the prompts.
Reading A Word From Dr. Charles Stanley I was reminded of why we are compelled to help our neighbors. “Our example is Christ, who ‘did not come to be served, but to serve’ (Mark 10:45). As His representatives, we should consider what our actions, attitudes, and words convey to others… He wants His children to make themselves available to meet needs, offer help, listen to others, and show kindness and hospitality. Imagine how we’d stand out in this self-focused culture if we, like Jesus, treated the needs of others as more important than our own.”
Dr. Stanley points to Philippians 2:4, where Paul says “Don’t think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing.” The goal of Now Habersham and McDonald’s of Clarkesville and Cornelia is to provide those with needs in our community a place to reach out for help. In turn, those of us with the ability to help have a place to see what specific needs our neighbors have.
Please join us in this compassionate community campaign. Meet a need and Pass It On.