A fun family event takes to the streets of Clarkesville tonight as the city hosts the area’s first ever Glow Run. The Glow in the Park: Clarkesville Glow Run will take place this Saturday, Oct. 8th at Pitts Park.
This family-oriented event includes a one loop Fun Run and a 5K race from Pitts Park through downtown Clarkesville. The pre-race party and registration begin at 6:30pm. The Fun Run starts at 7:30 and the 5K at 8 p.m. There are no age limits.
Wear your best and brightest outfits
A Glow Gear station will be set up in Pitts Park for runners and spectators to purchase additional luminescent accessories. A black light tent and big screen laser show will also be in the park
Mobile DJ’s will provide high-energy music at the start and end of the race. All participants are invited to stay for the After Glow Party where dance music and awards will be presented. Awards will be given to the 1st and 2nd male and female finishers in eight age categories and the person with the best “glow wear” will also receive an award.
To register visit www.active.com, www.clarkesvillega.com or stop by Clarkesville City Hall Friday for an application.
Registration is $15 for the Fun Run, $30 for the 5K.
All proceeds go to benefit the downtown Clarkesville breezeway beautification projects and Clarkesville Junior Main Street program.