The Day After

There’s always a day after – a day of reflection and thought – a day to recover – a day to regroup. 

I remember the morning I opened my eyes September 12th 2001 and wondered if it all were a really bad dream. 9-11 had come and the shock and grief of it all was overwhelming. Did the news media have it right? Would the world ever be the same?

Very much like the disciples, the Saturday morning after the crucifixion was to say the least, confusing. They opened their eyes to a world which no longer held the Messiah – the teacher and friend they had come to love. The King of kings who would change their lives and make their world a better place was gone. Saturday morning they did not understand that Sunday was on the way. All they knew was how they felt that Saturday morning.

It isn’t a matter of “IF” it is a matter of “WHEN” tragedy will hit in your life and in mine. Tragedy comes without warning and the tentacles spread to influence and change all that is around us.

The security comes when we know Sunday is on the way. Just as God planned the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the salvation of the world, so does He have a plan to turn the tragedy, the hurt, the pain, the destruction around for good in our lives.

Keep looking up. Stay in line with Him. Trust that He has the answer for you.