Construction crews are scheduled to begin cleaning up the burned out buildings on the east side of the Clarkesville square Monday. A construction alert issued by the City of Clarkesville states crews will work from 7am-6pm, Monday through Friday, beginning Jan. 12. No work is scheduled on Saturdays but may be in the case of weather delays. There will be no work on Sundays.
Dumpsters will be placed in front of the four buildings in the city parking lot as well as in back for approximately four weeks. The largest equipment used on site will be Bobcats. No bulldozers, skid steers or other large earth moving equipment will be used.
The local contracting firm of Blake Rainwater and Associates was hired by the city last month to oversee clean-up and to stabilize the damaged structures. The contractor has sixty working days to complete the project.
The buildings were damaged in a blaze that broke out in Sweetbreads Cafe on March 5, 2014. The fire jumped fifteen feet and caught the historic buildings on fire. Sweetbreads was completely destroyed.
Anyone with questions or concerns about the clean-up and construction should contact Clarkesville City Hall at 706-754-4216.