An unusual meeting of Habersham County leadership teams took place Wednesday afternoon, June 8, at Habersham County Medical Center.
First, County Commissioners held a closed Executive Session at 4:30 p.m. in the Hospital Board Room and when they returned to an open meeting, the group adjourned without any action or further discussion.
The Commissioners then met jointly at 5:30 p.m. in a larger room nearby, for an Executive Session with the Hospital Authority of Habersham Medical Center.
When the second Executive Session ended, and both groups adjourned, no action was announced, and no public discussion of the group’s agenda was released. Jerry Wise, CEO for Habersham Medical Center told Now Habersham, “There will be no announcement or action at the end of our meeting.”
The only indication of the topic of discussion in the closed sessions were the words, “Property Acquisition,” on the original county Agenda. A revised Agenda released shortly before the meeting did not include, “Property Acquisition,” but did included an adjustment to a financial amount related to mitigation of the proposed Taxiway Project at the airport.
The original Agenda for the County Commissioner’s also included consideration and approval of mitigation credits for Phase II Taxiway Project, as well as consideration and approval of a contract between Habersham County and the Georgia Department of Transportation for Phase II of the same project at Habersham County Airport.
The Commissioners also met to consider and approve Agreements between Habersham County, the City of Cornelia and the City of Clarkesville for radio maintenance fees.
When the two leadership groups emerged from their joint closed meeting, no indication was announced as to the topic of, “Property Acquisition.”