A large sign hangs on the wall of Habersham’s Board of Education meeting room. “Success for all Students” is what it says. In meetings, School Supperintendent Matthew Cooper often gestures toward – and refers to – those words as the worthy guide for all actions undertaken by administrators, teachers, volunteers, and staff members in the school system.
Monday night, the school board heard Superintendent Cooper say that the school system is closer to reaching the goal of Success for All Students than it has ever been. An “all-time high” has been reached in the graduation rate for Habersham students, he said. In 2015, the graduation rate for Habersham reached 88.5%. By comparison, he referred to the rate of graduation “inherited” when Habersham Central High School Principal Wesley MccGee arrived on the job: 77%.
McGee told the school board that a number of things have made a difference in Habersham’s graduation rate – and he credited kindergarten through high school students’ teachers and administrators. Among the factors making a difference since he came to Habersham are “high expectations for teachers,” he said, “and their lesson planning.” Another factor is “student involvement” – which includes any type of actvities, from fine arts to Key Club to sports, he said. In addition, there is “a 96% daily attendance rate,” contributing to student success.
“Our teachers care about out kids,” he said, adding that Habersham’s teachers “are going to do the hard work” that is required.
Cooper said that Habersham’s graduation rate is even higher than the state average. “The state graduation rate is ten points below us,” he said.
“Let them come across that stage!” he added, referring to the walk of students to receive diplomas and shake hands with school board members.