Now in its 7th year, the annual Christian Literature Drive wants your help, on September 21 at Hills Crossing Baptist Church. Partnered with Love Packages, the Word of God is distributed to give others access to materials they may not have the opportunity to read.
Since the drive began, over 50 tons of literature have been collected and distributed all across the world.
Drop off your used Christian Literature at Hills Crossing Baptist Church located at 3569 Toccoa Hwy, in Clarkesville between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. You can also come and help sort through and pack the literature at 8 a.m. Donations are also needed to help defray the costs of shipping.
Items to contribute:
- Bibles (new or used)
- Daily Devotionals & Tracts
- Non-fiction Christian Books & Paperbacks
- Christian Magazines (Excluding Guideposts or Missions Magazine)
- Sunday School Supplies (Can have writing in them. No handiwork or crafts)
- CD’s, DVD’s, BluRay’s (No VHS or cassettes
Luke Canup, coordinator for the event, said, “The stats show that each piece of Christian literature we send out is likely to touch around 20 people. With the 50 tons we’ve gathered at this small church, that means we’ve potentially reached over 4 million lives. You can’t beat those numbers anywhere that I know of.”
Canup added that it is by far the easiest way to reach the world with God’s Word.
Come to Hills Crossing and be a part of spreading the Word through literature. If you have any questions, contact Luke Canup at (706) 716-0031 or [email protected]