We’ve become a world of selfies – a world of all about me – a world focused on me, myself, and I.
James 4:1, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?”
Conflict begins with the battles within ourselves. Hard to imagine, isn’t it, but true? Especially when we are so certain of our own correctness.
Every issue begins because of trouble within someone. Selfishness is the root of arguments, divorce, issues at work, issues within school, and even broader, is the underlying cause of war.
When my children were little and acting selfish, I would sing in an operatic voice, “Me me me me…,” crossing my hands in front of my chest like choir children.
Of course it usually caused laughter; but, don’t we all need a reminder? There are times when our selfishness causes others heartache, destruction and desperation; because when we are acting only in our own best interest, we disregard all those around us.
Today, put away your selfie sticks. Focus on those around you. It not only makes for a better day, it may just begin to make for a better world.