I’ve been searching for the right gift with little success. It’s for a friend who has everything – everything in my budget category, that is. For her birthday I gave her my summer labor of homemade jams and freshly baked bread so that’s out. Last year I knitted her a scarf, which she wears quite often to my excitement. Sometimes it is difficult to buy for someone especially when you want it to be meaningful and well-thought through.
So, this year I decided to give her 2 Honeybee hives, a flock of geese, a flock of chickens, and a flock of ducks. I bet you’re thinking – and she is going to continue being your friend, huh?
In this gift, 5 families in Third World countries will receive hope. And my sweet friend, who has everything will be the source of that hope. The particular company that I chose has been in business for over 70 years providing avenues for people to buy animals for families in order to start businesses or provide for their families. And the really wonderful part is I know my friend is going to be as excited about the gift as I am because she loves helping people help themselves.
There were many choices: a cow, a goat, a water buffalo, sheep, rabbits, pigs. Yes! A water buffalo!
If you are struggling with a gift idea, consider donating on behalf of someone, as I did. Consider it a “gift with purpose.” It can be a local charity as well or international.
Now…on to the next person on my list… Ho!Ho!Ho!
Make today count – spread Christmas everywhere you go!