We’ll soon turn our calendars to a new year. Don’t have a 2015 calendar yet? Here’s how you can get one.
Now Habersham is giving away free Habersham HELP calendars and pens to the first 25 readers who email us a holiday photo and quote. Pictures must be suitable for publication. Quotes can be about what you were thinking at the time the photo was taken or simply a favorite line from a book, song or famous person.
Your photos and quotes will be featured in our Life In Motion series on nowhabersham.com.
If you’re not familiar with LIM check it out by clicking here! It’s listed under the Living tab on our Home page.
Email submissions to [email protected]. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number so that we can get your calendar and pen to you. Then, keep an eye on our website to see your Life in Motion.
Habersham HELP (Helping Every Last Pet) is a local non-profit that assists with the care and adoption of homeless animals in Habersham County. For more information visit them online at www.facebook.com/HabershamHelp. You can also visit their online store at https://shop.habershamhelp.com/.
View excerpts from this adorable, heart-warming calendar here.