With a prayer, a remembrance and a few shovels of dirt the City of Clarkesville set a major rebuilding project into motion. The city held a ceremonial groundbreaking Tuesday for reconstruction of several historic buildings that were gutted by fire two years ago.
City Manager Barbara Kesler spoke of Clarkesville’s former mayor, the late Dr. Terry Greene, and his vision for the city. Clarkesville’s new mayor, Barrie Aycock, unveiled the project design. It was met with applause as people got their first glimpse of what the eastern side of the square will eventually look like.
The redesign includes a green space in between the buildings that city officials hope will serve as a gathering place for visitors to the town square.
The project is expected to take up to a year and $2.5 million to complete. A portion of that will be funded through grants. Once construction is completed the city will sell and/or lease the space.
Check back for exclusive video coverage of the groundbreaking ceremony here on nowhabersham.com