What parents have not suffered in that moment when their child has disappeared from view in a busy store? Frustration quickly turns into panic as they desperately search for the child under clothing racks and behind columns. And, complete relief and joy takes over when they find the child safe. It only takes a moment before fear takes over when a precious child is lost or out of sight. Sadly, some children disappear and cannot be found, and the grief those parents experience can be inconsolable.
In Matthew 28:1-10, Matthew recorded that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, went to the tomb early in the morning. Matthew even stated that they were worried about how they would get into the tomb because they had watched Joseph of Arimathea seal the tomb with a large rock just before the Sabbath began (see Mt. 27:59-61). Why did Matthew include these details? Possibly because he wanted to show the irony that the women came expecting to find a dead body sealed in a tomb they could not access, not have an encounter with their risen Lord. Regardless of what they had been told, they still couldn’t comprehend Jesus’ resurrection. Also note that neither Matthew nor Mark gave any details about Jesus’ resurrection itself, but chose to include only the impact His resurrection had on His followers. The women were greeted by an angel who moved the stone and invited them to see where Jesus had been. As the women left the empty tomb, they encountered their risen Lord.
Instead of a sealed tomb, the women found an angel. Instead of a dead body, the women found an empty tomb. Instead of strong and courageous guards, the women saw men who were pale and trembling from fear. Instead of being panicked over their missing Lord, the women heard the news, “He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said.” And instead of leaving in grief and desolation, the women left in joy and celebration because they had seen their risen Lord.
Eight Days in Jerusalem: A 40-Day Easter Devotional was compiled by Margie Williamson and is available at amazon.com and christianbooks.com.