Baldwin adopts rollback millage rate

Baldwin's Acting Mayor Alice Venter reads aloud the resolution setting the city's tax millage rate during a special called meeting on Oct. 27, 2023. (livestream image)

By unanimous vote, the Baldwin City Council on Friday approved the city’s millage rate. As expected, the council voted for a full rollback during a special called meeting.

The millage rate for Baldwin residents on the Habersham County side dropped from 9.342 to 8.481 mills. The Banks County Baldwin millage rate was reduced from 3.465 to 2.662 mills.

Immediately following the vote, acting mayor Alice Venter said, “Congratulations for being able to do a full millage rollback.” She added, “All of us can look forward to not having an increase in our taxes.”

While that may hold true for many property owners, those whose reassessments rose significantly this year could still see an increase. Baldwin’s tax digest grew by more than $7 million due to new growth and additions, resulting in thousands of dollars of additional tax revenue for the city.

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