White County Development Authority to assist Woodlands Camp with bond funds

The White County Development Authority hears from Woodlands Camp Director Jon Estes via video conference about the camp’s future plans. (wrwh.com)

The White County Development Authority has agreed to assist Woodlands Camp and Conference Center in Cleveland with their expansion plans by issuing revenue bonds for the nonprofit corporation.

The camp is seeking approximately $15 million dollars for improvements, to the camp and conference center facilities, located on Old Blue Creek Road in Cleveland.

Attorney Carl Free, who represents the authority said this is nothing new.

“It is very similar to the project the Development Authority did for Truett McConnell a couple of years ago and it’s one of the things the Development Authority can do to boost economic development within the county,” said Free. “Obviously, I think the Development Authority was all onboard that what’s going to go on and what’s gonna happen at Woodlands within terms of that expansion is going to be a great thing for the community.”

Jon Estes, CEO & Camp Director for Woodlands Camp shared with the authority during the meeting Tuesday that the expansion plans will enable them to serve more youth as well as adults that use the facilities for conferences plus impact the local economy with jobs and people visiting the area.

Free says there is “no cost to the county or the Development Authority. When a bond issue of this nature is done, the Development Authority serves as the issuer of the bonds, the bonds are purchased by a private entity.”

The Development Authority and County Commissioners will be holding public hearings about this project before it becomes final.

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